Toxic Femininity

By Macy Froetschner In today’s culture, toxic masculinity is a popular phrase. Masculine qualities such as a desire to protect and provide are viewed as attributes of an oppressive patriarchy meant to entrap women. The average feminist claims to empower …

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The Need for Prayer in a Post-Roe America

By Katie Reid Being raised in the Lutheran church, I have always been taught prayer is important, both for our relationship with Christ and for the comfort of the Holy Spirit. However, it was not until January of this year …

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Finding Truth in “The Unaborted Socrates”

By Olivia Hitz Pro-Life vs Pro-Choice. You’ve heard the recent debates, seen the comment sections on social media, and maybe even engaged in a discussion yourself. It’s frustrating to see all the misinformation out there, especially when so few people …

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“Trust God and Choose Life”

“I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.” (Psalm 139:14) I firmly believe that while the Christmas season is certainly wonderful, VBS is the most wonderful time of …

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Married In College?

By Nadia Beadle Several years ago, an elderly couple at my church celebrated sixty years of marriage together. She packed him a sack lunch to take to work everyday, and he always held the door for her. My little brothers …

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We Have Jesus

by Michelle Bauman Maybe you recall the giving of the Ten Commandments and Moses’ moments of glory after receiving them—those literal moments of glory. Having been in the presence of God, Moses’ face shone with the glory of the Lord. …

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Welcome Nadia and Cori

Y4Life is so excited about welcoming two new members to our LFL family this summer, and we thought you might like to get to know them, too! Nadia is our Y4Life intern. Cori is our Y4Life assistant. Check out their …

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 You’re Not Pro-Life Enough

By Jenna Siek “I’m not pro-life enough.” This thought understandably convicts many people who are involved in the pro-life movement. With abortion service nationally available, suicide rates increasing, and euthanasia becoming a cultural norm, fighting for life is a huge …

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A Drive Home

by Michelle Bauman I drove home from Branson yesterday. It’s usually a long trip, but yesterday’s route was much longer than usual. Though I don’t know whether it was road construction or accidents that caused my GPS to lead me …

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The Most Important Week

by Michelle Bauman It’s Holy Week, the most important week in the history of the world. It’s the week Jesus fulfills His mission, the week He finishes the work He ultimately came to do. The Bible recalls that the week …

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