Addressing Life Issues in the Classroom

By: Jesse Muehler Your heart beats faster, and the lump in your throat slowly solidifies as you raise your shaky hand in the air. Your teacher is talking about how “logical” it is to euthanize the elderly because of their …

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“Avatar: The Way of Water” Movie Review 

by Noah & Nadia Hartwig Earlier this year, when we were home on break, Nadia’s grandpa took some of her siblings and us to see the movie “Avatar: The Way of Water.” Having recently watched the first movie, we were …

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Raised for Life

By: Macy Froetschner “Keep your elbows off the table, Mable.” “Treat others how you want to be treated.” “Ask questions.” “Don’t spend life judging others.” “Never take stress out on family.” “Familial fellowship is more important than fleeting friendships.” “Serve …

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Protecting the Gift of Sex

By: Ella Wiegand Anyone with a social media account is constantly bombarded with sex. Whether it’s actual porn, nudity, sexual information, or maybe just hearing others talk about it, sex is everywhere. All of us have probably watched a movie …

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Hope in Suffering

By: Olivia Hitz “The joy of the Lord is my strength,” I whisper to myself as I exhale through the pain in my hip. I’m standing in line to go up to the communion rail on Sunday morning, but I …

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Tornadoes 4 Life at the Texas Rally for Life

Amber Reiner, President of Tornados 4 Life at Concordia University Texas On January 28th, Tornados 4 Life attended the 2023 Texas Rally For Life at the Texas State Capitol. One thing that I really love about being a part of …

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Seeing Others in God’s Image

Cori Meier, Y4Life Assistant Maybe you’ve seen it on social media – the tendency toward verbally annihilating people we don’t agree with. Disagree with someone politically or ideologically? Let’s jump straight to the name-calling. People are called “slime,” “garbage,” or …

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What’s A Christian To Do?

Michelle Bauman, Director of Y4Life 2023 is off to a good start! From local and national marches to our own life-affirming events – Frontline Call, Life Week 2023, and Y4Life in Washington, D.C. to name just a few – January …

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Designer Genes

Jenna Siek Okay, so, what? You hate your body. So does Satan. Congratulations, you and the Prince of Demons have something in common: a thorough revulsion against your sinful flesh. You act like your image is a blank piece of  …

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