Owen’s Mission is a special project of Lutherans For Life and Y4Life. The goal of Owen’s Mission? Present a set of Touch of Life fetal models to every Lutheran elementary and high school in the country. We want students to understand the God-given value of each life from the moment of conception, and to value themselves and others as created, redeemed, and called persons. Ready to set up a presentation for your Lutheran school? Contact mbauman@lutheransforlife.org for more information! 6-9 months notice is preferred when setting up an Owen’s Mission presentation dues to travel limitations.

Download the Owen’s Mission infographic here.

Download the Owen’s Mission flyer here.

Already have an Owen’s Mission fetal model set at your school? The PowerPoint presentations below are a way for you to continue to teach the value of life after you’ve received the initial presentation from Michelle. These PowerPoints have been developed for both older and younger grades, and are available to download in either a PPTX or PDF format.

Owen’s Mission Presentation – Younger Classes

Owen’s Mission Presentation – Older Classes