God Will Provide

By Michelle Bauman I’m sure you’ve heard talk in the news about a recession lately; more and more pundits are expressing fear, worry, and impending doom. Concern over our country’s financial woes accompany stories about rising gas prices, pictures of …

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The Importance of Lineage

By Michelle Bauman, Y4Life Director I don’t know about you, but I’m a big fan of family photos, especially generational ones. Whether browned at the edges or shiny and new, family photos are valuable. They provide a record of sorts, …

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Lions4Life Team Update

By Elizabeth Crawford The Lions4Life team at Faith Lutheran School in Plano, Texas, has enjoyed a busy fall semester! We have hosted monthly student meetings to discuss and plan future events. During the month of November, we hosted a book …

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Contemplating IVF from a 4 Life Perspective

By Kate Roberts Maybe it’s a coincidence…or maybe I’m just paying attention. Have you noticed it? Everywhere I seem to look, it’s that acronym flashing at me again. “IVF!” I see it in the headlines, I see it on social …

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Meet Diana

Y4Life is so excited to welcome our new Media Resource Assistant, and we thought you might like to get to know her, too. Check out Diana’s answers to our interview questions below! Can you tell us a little about your …

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The Mother

By Jeremiah Schultz “Abortions will not let you forget.” These words from Gwendolyn Brooks’ poem, “The Mother,” come to my mind whenever I consider abortion’s influence within our culture. As Christians, we recognize that abortion undermines our moral foundations – …

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Calvary: A Life-Affirming Approach

By Michelle Bauman Sometimes it’s easy to be a Gospel-motivated voice For Life. You simply wait for God to open a door, and then you walk right through. Here’s a prime example: While exhibiting at a recent youth conference, participants …

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Freedom in Family

By Madison Zuniga “Well, I would love to go to graduate school, or work in the publishing and editing field, but I definitely want to prioritize starting a family.”  A crease forms on my friend’s forehead, and I sense her …

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Treasure in Jars of Clay

Olivia Hitz “But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us. We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, …

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Created for Eternity

Anna Young In 1513, Spanish Explorer Juan Ponce de Leon set out searching for the Fountain of Youth, a fabled water source that is said to bring eternal youth…and ended up in Florida. The Fountain of Youth tourist attraction is …

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