At NYG—Fun, Fellowship, and Spiritual Growth

This summer, Y4Life had the incredible opportunity to go to the LCMS National Youth Gathering (NYG) in New Orleans, Louisiana. This event was three days packed with fun, fellowship, and spiritual growth. With more than 22,000 kids from 48 states and 14 …

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Meet Sarah Krueger—The First EVER Y4Life Intern!

We are so excited to have Sarah join our team this summer as the first Y4Life intern. She will be learning all about the ministry of Lutherans For Life, helping us at conferences this summer, and giving valuable input about the future …

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Women Betrayed – A Message from Lori Trinche

A message from our Lutherans For Life Mission & Ministry Coordinator, Lori Trinche: For those who have participated in 40 Days for Life, the National Life Chain, as well as national and/or local March for Life events, and all of …

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Video: A Child or a Choice?

Source: Life Institute (Ireland) “We’ve all heard the claim that legalizing abortion is just about giving women a “choice.” But our choices should not destroy someone else’s life …” Read more and watch a new video from Youth Defense.

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“The Drop Box” movie – Go see it!

“The Drop Box” movie is showing Wednesday and Thursday night across the country. You can find out if it is at a theater near you at this link: Two national Lutherans For Life staff members went to last night’s showing. …

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