The God of Miracles

There are so many ways that God works miracles in our lives every day. He is the Creator of the world, and He has never abandoned us, even for a moment. He continues to sustain creation by keeping us alive, making the sun shine, and the earth go round. And the greatest deed that God has done was sending His Son Jesus to live on this earth, suffer and die at the hands of sinners, and triumphantly rise again so that we may be completely forgiven and live with Him forever. That is pretty amazing. Let us, like the psalmist encourages us to do, recognize all of the blessings that He has given us and the miracles He works in our lives. Let us praise Him without ceasing!

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Reflecting on the March for Life

The conference that Y4Life hosted was also an amazing experience. We heard from multiple speakers who talked with us about how to defend life from a Gospel-motivated perspective while still holding fast to our beliefs. We learned how dating and marriage are both sacred gifts from God, even though the world is attempting to redefine, destroy, and abuse these gifts. We learned how our lives are infinitely valuable to God and discussed how He calls us into many different yet specific vocations. We also discussed our identity in Christ, and we were reminded again and again that we are loved, baptized children of God, and that is where our true identity is found.

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Love Like St. Valentine

How interesting that Valentine’s Day, February 14th, the day we celebrate love, is St. Valentine’s death date. At first glance it is odd, but the Christian can see the beautiful association of love and death. In a way, agape love or sacrificial love is death; it requires doing what is necessary to uphold another’s life – even laying down one’s life for another. Jesus died on the cross, not merely to show us He loves us, but also to pay for our sins and our shame. His act of love enables us to put to death our love of worldly sinful things. St. Valentine befriended Julia, healed her from her blindness, and shared the Gospel with her. Jesus befriends us and heals us of a different type of blindness, the blindness we have towards our sin. Once we see our sin, we understand the fullness of the Gospel and the Word of God through the Holy Spirit. 

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Suffering – Useful or Useless?

By Macy Froetschner Canada has one of the highest euthanasia rates in the world. According to The Guardian, euthanasia is among the top six leading causes of death. Why is Canada, and many states in the United States, choosing to …

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Helping After the Storm – Hurricane Helene

On September 26, 2024, Hurricane Helene hit the west coast of Florida and traveled inland the days following, finally dissipating on September 29. Helene left a wide path of destruction across the Southeast, impacting the lives of millions of people. …

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Lessons in Suffering

By Jenna Smith It is a natural human reaction to dodge suffering. We all procrastinate homework, swerve around potholes, and take painkillers to keep from feeling pain and discomfort. This was my experience when I was 15 and my parents …

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