Y4Life is so excited to welcome an intern to our LFL family this summer, and we thought you might like to get to know her too! Check out Emma’s answers to our interview questions below!

Can you tell us a little about your family and where you grew up?

Emma: I am the oldest sister to Claire and Hannah. Claire will be joining me at Concordia University – Nebraska in the fall, and Hannah will be a Sophomore in High School. My dad is an engineer, and my mom is a Lutheran church and school administrator and religion teacher. My family lives in the small farming community of Unionville, Michigan. The main crops in our area are Sugar Beets, Corn, and Soybeans.

What degree are you working toward in college?

Emma: I am currently studying Business Administration at Concordia University – Nebraska with a concentration in communications. I am also in the Pre-Deaconess program.

What led you to want to work for Y4Life?

Emma: When I was in high school, I attended Higher Things Conferences where Michelle had Y4Life booths. I stopped to talk to her, collecting stickers and handouts. This led me to follow Y4Life on social media where I later saw the internship application. I got excited because this internship would allow me to do pro-life work with a Lutheran organization and give me experience in the business end of church work, which is what I hope to do full-time someday.

What areas of life ministry are you most passionate about?

Emma: There are so many different areas of life ministry, making it difficult to pick just one. My passion is simply to make sure people realize how many life issues impact our society. Abortion may be what the media focuses on, but it is just the tip of the iceberg! There is human trafficking, in vitro fertilization (IVF), homelessness, end of life issues, and so many more. Each of these issues require our attention so that the sanctity of all human life is upheld.

Have you always had a passion for upholding life, or was there a specific instance that led you to be a Gospel-motivated voice for life?

Emma: Growing up, I was taught that abortion was not God pleasing, but I didn’t realize its seriousness until high school when our pro-life club presented in Chapel. They showed a video, and we were told to close our eyes and listen. Little metal balls slowly started hitting the side of a tin can, and as the video went on the little balls hit more rapidly making quite a ruckus. Each ‘tink’ we heard represented 10,000 babies killed by abortion and continued until 50 million abortions were represented. The sound was horrific and had a big impact on me. During my senior year of high school, I was able to attend the March for Life in Washington D.C., which encouraged me to continue standing up for life! That passion has continued to grow. I am currently the president of Bulldogs for Life at Concordia – Nebraska.

Not everyone agrees that human life is sacred. How do you handle opposition to this truth when you encounter it, especially among your peers?

Emma: As a Christian, I know I can take everything to my Heavenly Father in prayer. He will guide my conversation in the way it should go, through the work of the Holy Spirit. After prayer, I simply listen to the other person’s point of view. Listening demonstrates that I care about what they have to say, while giving me time to formulate a response. It also levels the playing field, allowing both parties to feel more comfortable and open to hard conversations. This makes it easier to defend the faith and teach the sanctity of life, reminding them that God is the Creator of all things and humans are made in His image. 1 Peter 3:15-16 is a great reminder to Christians when they encounter opposition to their beliefs. Peter writes, “But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame.” We are called to defend our faith, but do it in a caring way that shows the love of Christ.

Okay, now it’s time for some favorites. What is your favorite . . .

Bible verse?

Emma: Romans 6:4, “We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life.”


Emma: Traveling and maintaining my flower and vegetable garden in the summertime!


Emma: My Great-Grandma’s Chicken Cashew with a side of homemade eggroll.


Emma: I love listening to podcasts about different businesses, such ‘How I Built this by This by Guy Raz’ or ‘The Pitch’ but I also enjoy learning from the ‘Youth4Life’ podcast!


Emma: Kara and Nate. They have a travel YouTube channel showing their visits to over 100 countries.


Emma: Pop or Country depending on my mood. However, if I am studying, Instrumental Jazz is the way to go!

Television series?

Emma: A game show called, ‘The Floor’ on FOX.

Finally, is there anything else you’d like to share? Some little known fact or interesting uniqueness you possess?

Emma: This summer I will visit my 43rd state during the Higher Things Conference in Portland, Oregon!