23 Mar

Owen’s Mission Presentation at Immanuel Lutheran School

Michelle is conducting an Owen's Mission presentation at Immanuel Lutheran School in Lockwood, MO. Owen’s Mission presentations share the good news that EVERY life is valuable because EVERY person has been created and redeemed by God Himself. As God works through the Holy Spirit to call individuals to faith, the value of human life is confirmed once more. From the moment of fertilization, every human, no matter how small, is a priceless treasure whose value does not change with age or ability. The goal of Owen's Mission is to honor Jesus by presenting a set of Touch of Life fetal models to every Lutheran elementary and high school in the country. Through interactive presentations, students come to understand their own God-given value and are motivated to share the message that each life is a gift from God. As Creator, Redeemer, and Sanctifier, God not only loves life, but also gives it inherent value. Students learn why they are valuable and how they are called to value their neighbor, born or unborn. For more information on Owen's Mission, click here.